We recognize that human capital in ITU is our primary source of power. This is why activities of the Center for Excellence in Engineering and Architecture Education (CEEA) will be based on three major principles:

  • Inclusiveness - We plan to collaborate with all internal and external stakeholders of ITU, goals of which intersect with the vision and mission of CEEA.

  • Resource efficiency - We see all resources that are allocated to the enrichment of learning experience in the ITU ecosystem as the resources of CEEA. 

  • People orientedness - We value diversity, and acknowledge the value added by providing access to other people and the most appropriate channels to enrich learning experience.

We have deliberated on how to put such principles into practice in a sustainable manner...Do not we materialize many ideas that we find good enough by formulating them as projects? Does not almost everyone have a project? We concluded that CEEA can more easily arrive at its goals in a project based structure.

A project based structure means we will create sharing platforms to facilitate the development of projects, either managed by instructors or students, and provide project management support for the implementation of these projects, in association with other projects in a holistic framework. CEAA plans to create a portfolio of projects that focus on the enrichment of learning experiences, either with a generic or a special focus, and help disseminate the outcomes of these projects to the ITU ecosystem through the use of most appropriate channels.

We are developing a database, as part of ITU Beenome Project, which consists of keywords that represent your areas of interest and skills in both teaching and research fields. We plan to update this database regularly. In a sense, we want to map the knowledge genome of ITU which will guide the activities and projecst of CEEA. This database will facilitate the arrangement of meetings for people with similar areas of interest, identify new ideas that may translate to learning-focused projects, and support them with appropriate ways."